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Festoons - White 20m
Festoons - Black 20m
LED Uplight - WRGB
$60 ea / $150 for three
Fairy Lights - White 100m
Fairy Lights - Black 100m
Rotating Dancefloor Lights
Wooden Table Lantern - inc. candle
Bamboo Table Lantern - inc. candle
Prism Table Lantern - inc. candle
Pyramid Prism Table Lantern - inc. candle
Morrocan Lanterns - various sizes
$5 - $40
Black Table Lantern - inc. candle
White Table Lantern - inc. candle
Paper Lantern - inc. bulb
$5 ea / $40 for ten
Rattan Pendant - inc. bulb
$120 ea; $500 for five
White Rattan Pendant - inc. bulb
$120 ea; $500 for five
LED Candles
$30 for ten
Mirror Ball - 50cm inc. Motor & Pinspots
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